Surveying Trees for Bats
This self study course is for consultant ecologists and arboriculturalists and aims to raise awareness and provide new skills when assessing trees for bats.
Bats are fully protected by law and it is important to have a good understanding of them when working in woodlands or on individual trees.
The course will cover bat legislation, use of trees by bats, survey methodologies, how to recognise trees used by, or potentially used by bats, and mitigation that can be used when bats are found to be present.
We will cover assessing trees from the ground and when aerial tree climbing is appropriate. A Principal Ecologist with 20 years of bat experience will be your tutor.
The course is in the form of a video, handout and quiz and will be both ‘classroom’ based and your tutor goes out into the field to show you how to assess trees for bats from the ground.
Once you have seen the video there is a short quiz and if you get over 70% you will receive a certificate.
Please note that a basic understanding of UK bat species and ecology is helpful for this course.
What our students say:
“Thank you for the surveying trees course it was really interesting and clear to follow.”
“Thanks a lot for designing a really informative course, I really enjoyed it and found it really useful. Will definitely recommend.” JG
Video playing time is 1hr 43 mins. We suggest you allow 4-5 hours for watching the video, taking notes and researching.
As soon as you book you will receive the materials needed.
How to book: You can book on-line here. Once you have booked you will then be able to start the course straight away. If you’d like book a group or on behalf of another person please email us at and we’d be delighted to help you.