Beaver Ecology and Surveying
Beavers are living in various parts of the UK now and they are transforming rivers and wetlands. This biodiversity champion is on it’s way to becoming widely accepted as a British wildlife species. Now is the time to find out more about them as beaver experts will be needed across the country. They have already gained protected species status in Scotland and it is only a matter of time before they are protected in England and Wales.
This is our one-day beaver course delivered online.
There are two videos in this course.
At the end there will be a short quiz and if you get over 70% you will receive a Certificate.
Video 1 – Beaver Ecology and Survey Techniques – in this video we will cover beaver ecology, history, introductions, beavers in Europe and field signs with your tutor who is a BSc, PGDip, MCIEEM and Principal Ecologist. Playing Time: 1hr 25 mins.
Video 2 – Beaver Field Signs – this is where your tutor goes out searching for beaver signs along the River Otter in Devon and at the Cornwall Beaver Project. Playing time 12 mins.
How to book: You can book on-line here. Once you have booked you will then be able to start the course straight away. If you’d like book a group or on behalf of another person please email us at and we’d be delighted to help you.